The Issue of "Restavek" in Haiti
Did you know 2 out of every 10 children in Haiti are being Forced to Performed Domestic Work?
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Here at Brice Foundation Int'l Reducing Poverty isn't just a Slogan, it's Our Commitment to the Poor.

This project is one of our prime existences. As we mentioned in our home page, being born poor does not define who we are and our ability as human. In fact, history shows that most of our exceptional world leaders come from poor family; they work very hard to make it out of poverty, and as a result their hard work has changed and pulled millions lives out of poverty. Some clear examples are; Jean Bertrand Aristide, Nelson Mandela, Steve Job (Apple Owner), Opra Winfrey and the U.S. President Barrack Obama. His mother struggled a lot throughout the years to give him good education. Nobody knew that one day this little kid who came from a low income family would be the U.S. president. There are so many other children with that same potential and the ability to touch other peoples’ lives in Haiti and around the world who can’t excel due to lack of financial support. They desperately need your help in order to have a positive impact on our world. We can't or shouldn't let poverty stop some of the world’s best and brightest students from going to school. We see and meet them every day on the streets hopping one day they will have the chance to go to school and take charge of their destiny. They are zealous to learn and, zealous to make a difference in their community, their country and of course the world. With your help, we can make those dreams come true.
What we do at Brice Foundation through that project is, locate those street-children and already students with such a potential to become future leaders, we assist them financially, socially, and professionally in the adventure of becoming World Future Leaders who can impact million lives living in poverty around them. Read more...
Each year there are between 8 to 9 million children under the age of five die from malnutrition and mostly preventable diseases. This is without men and women who die from those same or more complicated preventable diseases each year as well. Haiti is among those countries where most of the population can't pay for health care. In fact, there are only a few reputable and affordable hospitals in the country known as General Hospital, Doctors without Borders, Hospital of Peace to name a few. General Hospital which is the state hospital remains the biggest and the most accessible one to the most disadvantage groups. According to the U.S. State Department report, for every 1000 of the population there are only 2 to three beds available to them. The services they offer are not free; which means if a patient doesn’t have money, regardless of his/her illnesses the chance is he/she might not get treated. Can you imagine over 10 million people relying on only a few affordable hospitals to get health attention? If it weren't for certain NGO's most of the population wouldn't get medical treatment when they need it. At Brice Foundation, we work closely with doctors and nurses from private and communal clinics to help low or no income families get treated at little or no cost to them. We are also working on having mobile clinic in all nine departments in the country with doctors and nurses who can help treated certain preventable diseases that are killers of children and adults. Our plan in the near future is to build a reputable hospital that is affordable to everyone, especially the most disadvantage ones.
Economic/financial freedom is without a doubt one of the greatest tools to fight and to reduce poverty across the globe; it’s not surprising to learn that the more freedom people have to decide their financial destiny the easier it becomes to reduce poverty. In the near future, Brice Foundation will have various programs within the organization that focus on helping regular citizens to become independent financially by sponsoring various projects that are relate to agriculture, the retail industry, and some other activities that can help bring about change in the lives of many in a steadily mode.
This will be established as a micro credit system to help and to encourage the most disadvantage groups to get out of poverty, and become business owners and farmers.
This will boost our national production, the economy, and create more jobs, which in turn will reduce poverty and famine in the country. The more we produce the more people would have to eat and less of us would starve to death.
One of Haiti's biggest problems is the fact that the coming generation does not know anything about his/her own culture and tradition; they are more focus onto copying other cultures that sometimes compromise our own. This is such a shame, but the truth is they are not to blame for it because they don’t know any better. A nation that ignores its origin and its values is a nation that sooner than later will disappear. For that reason Brice Foundation intends to organize certain cultural activities that can motivate the youth and children to learn about their roots and the various reasons they should be proud of themselves as a nation. Among those activities held by Brice Foundation are included but are not limited to:
• Promoting sports activities throughout the country as a form of motivation and engagement to the youths, which in turn will become a form of entertainment to them. This approach can help keeping our young men and women away from criminal activities.
• The promotion of the Haitian Culture through expositions of handicraft items such as paintings, sculpture, figurine collection, etc.
• Supporting children’s entertainment while learning. Some of those games can be; swimming, gardening, crafts, and games of all kinds (maps, skipping, etc.) with the objective of kipping them entertained and happy. In fact, many child psychologists and sociologists considered those activities to be healthy and beneficial for a child development.
The Haitian population is so polarized because of different social class that fuels prejudice. Whenever there is prejudice in a society it leads to inequality and injustice toward the most vulnerable ones; the poor. For that reason Brice Foundation seeks to support initiatives that are focused on the needs of the most disadvantaged groups, when appropriate assistance whether public or private are insufficient. It's not our intention to promote a welfare state were people simply refuse to work and expect the government and NGOs to do everything for them. However, when people have no way to turn when dealing with financial hardship, they definitely need our support. Those who can apply for assistance are clearly defined as "having social difficulties and are limited in resources to meet their basic needs in order to live a life worthy of human dignity." Social assistance occurs when a person has little or no income, and don’t have to access other benefits.
To this end, our focus is on the two following basic objectives:
• Contribute to the creation and the expansion of new ways to satisfy population’s’ social needs.
• Support women who are in search of professions and have the desire to achieve their financial independence.
Education is very indispensable to any country, especially for developing countries in order to reduce poverty and achieve financial autonomy. However, according to world vision and the World Bank; there are approximately 67 million children worldwide who are unable to go to school, because of absolute poverty and natural disaster. In Haiti education is a luxury. More than half of school age children are not enrolled in school simply because their parents can’t afford it. With your help we can change this picture. Education shouldn't be a luxury, but unfortunately this is the reality for those children in Haiti and some other places in the world like Africa. In our action plan, we address this issue by first, locating those children, and once we locate them; we give them the assistance they need in order to receive the type of education they deserve. For now the best we can do is working with some academic institutions around the country to make this happen, but in the near future we will have our own establishments providing education for an affordable cost to children whom parents can afford it, and at no cost to those, who can’t, because belief is that lack of money should be a barrier for any child to learn.