The Issue of "Restavek" in Haiti
Did you know 2 out of every 10 children in Haiti are being Forced to Performed Domestic Work?
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News and Events

Support Our Children and Protect their Future (Back to School Event) U.S. Only
B.F. Staff, July, 2015
We invite the public to come participating in our back to school program that we organize every year known as "Support our Children and protect their Future." This program has been implemented by Brice Foundation, Inc. in the communities where we serve in order to help children to go to school or to stay in school and receive the type of social support they need. Every beginning of school year we distribute school materials, such as back packs, pens and pencils, books and note books, rulers, erasers, cloths, shoes, etc. to those who need them. For this year the back to school event will be organized in two different locations; Jacksonville, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia.
The back to school event will take place at those two locations :
Brice Foundation Inc.
422 Luray Street
Jacksonville FL 32254.
Brice Foundation Inc.
5225 jimmy carter blvd.
Norcross GA 30093.
For more Information about Supoort our children and Protect their Future, go to: www.bricefoundation.org or call 866-579-9729
Christmas for the Poor (2014 Report): Brice Foundation Inc.
B.F. Staff January, 2015.
Many families didn't know what they were going to give their children for Christmas, but because of Brice Foundation Inc. most of their children were able to receive toys, foods, hygiene kits, etc. during the Christmas holiday season across the state of Georgia and Florida. They couldn't stop thanking us for such a great generosity. However, such a great generosity didn't come without the help of others. For that reason, Brice Foundation Inc. would like to thank these companies/organizations that have put their confidence in us in order to make the “Christmas for the Poor” event a success this year. Without them, it would've been very difficult to help and touch the lives we have touched with this Christmas’s event this year.
We’d like to take the time thank these companies/organizations separately and encourage our supporters to do the same by shopping more at their stores or to become proud supporters of those who involved in the same work we’re doing. These companies/organizations are, but are not limited to:
Feed the Children
Clean the World
Walmart/Sam’s Club Corporation
Publix Super Market
Winn Dixie Super Market
Costco Wholesale
BJ’s wholesale
Whole Food Market
Panera Bread Co.
Penske Truck Rental
Red Box Inc.
Arnold Palmer Enterprises
AutoZone Corporation
Tiny Print
Pike Nurseries Acquisition LLC
Pier 39 Corporation
And many more…

Christmas for the Poor; Brice Foundation Inc.
B.F. Staff October, 2014.
Christmas Holiday season is a moment for joy, peace, and love. It is also a season of sharing. It is a season where most people especially children have their wishes come true. However, for many families, Christmas season can be one of the most stressful moment they have ever experienced due to lack of opportunity to satisfy their basic needs and to make their children’s wishes come true. As a result, many of those children are forced to spend the Christmas Holiday season without food, toys, and a descent pair of shoes or nice and clean clothes to wear.
Since we have been working with the most disadvantage families especially children in our society, our experience is that, Christmas is one of the most stressful, one of the most frustrating time, and the saddest moment of their lives, because they can’t afford to put a smile on their children’s face. Many are those who knock at our doors every Christmas season both children and adults looking for gifts. Unfortunately, due to the amount of people who are requesting our support on that season, some of them returned home empty handed.
For this coming Christmas Holiday, Brice Foundation, Inc. plans to distribute Christmas gifts to more than 15,000 families and their children here in the U.S. and abroad on between the 22nd to the 24th of Decemebr, 2014. We also plan on distributing more than 50,000 bar soaps and body wash, shampoos, body lotions and other hygienic items to those who need them the most. So we invite everyone to help us reach our goal by funding this program with whatever you feel comfortable to give. For those who have already support us in the past, we thank you for putting your trust and confidence in us. For those who have not yet support us, let’s make it happens today. To support this program every year, please click here.
Our Work and Involvement in the U.S.

Brice Foundation's Staff; June, 2014.
Since the beginning of 2008 poverty has been a more serious situation here in the U.S. We don’t have to go far to meet families that have been deeply affected by the financial crises that affects millions across the nation as we speak. In fact, statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau show that more than 46.2 million Americans are still struggling to feed their children. There have been skyrocketing foreclosures across the nation due to the fact that many people have been laid off, particularly those living in low-income communities.
Deepening poverty has been linked with rising levels of homelessness and food insecurity/hunger for many Americans and children are particularly the most affected by these conditions. Statistics show that the number of children under the age of 18 living in poverty rose substantially since 2010. According to experts, this is the highest it has ever been since 1993.
Other than homelessness and food insecurity, poverty also has potential effects on children academic achievement especially during early childhood, hunger can make it very difficult for children to focus and to memorize things. Poverty also affects children psychologically. According to a research conducted by the American Psychological Association, children living in poverty are at greater risk of behavioral and emotional problems, such as impulsiveness, difficulty getting along with peers, aggression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder than any other group of children (APA, 2014).
Poverty can also have serious effects on children’s physical health. Many studies show that low birth weight, poor nutrition, chronic health conditions, risky behavior such as smoking, drinking, exposure to violence, and engaging in early sexual activity can be linked to poverty. As a non-profit organization Brice Foundation has helped many families especially children to overcome poverty since 2011.
We have distributed both school kits and health kits to children in poor neighborhoods in both Florida and Georgia. We have also distributed food, clothes, shoes, etc. to those in need here in the U.S. Brice Foundation has also promoted the youth’s participation in cultural activities and sports as well as a way to renounce to violence and other types of anti-social behaviors. In the near future, Brice Foundation will start helping children with behavioral issues and their parents as a way to enhance the relationship between them. To learn more about our work in the U.S. click the link below. click here.
Our work and involvement in the Haitian community

Shoes and Cloths Distribution by Brice Foundation
B.F. Staff Mar., 2014.
For the month of February 2014, Brice Foundation has distributed shoes to orphan children in various part of the country. Ecole Communautaire fondamentale primaire was one of our distribution locations in Port-au-Prince. It was heartbreaking what we have experienced, many of those children had nothing to wear on their feet, and unfortunately we could not help every single one of them since we were limited in resources. However, our plan is to make another distribution in very near future in order to help those we have missed in our first distribution for the year of 2014.
Great thanks to Ecole communautaire Fondamentale Primaire which is located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, more specifically in Bertin Carrefour and being administered by Elysee Coquillon. This school was created a few months after the terrible earthquake in 2010 that has affected almost every family in this country. They are helping approximately 150 students and it was founded by an association known as (AJEP) Association of young entrepreneurs and professionals. Their mission is to help those living in poverty such as families and individuals, but especially orphans or children who are being used as “restavek” since they don’t have anyone to care for them.
Restavek is a modern slavery system that has affected one or two out 10 to 15 children living in poverty in Haiti. Since 2010 they are providing health assistance, food, shelter, and education to those children at little or no cost. As a nonprofit organization that makes children living in poverty our top priority, we are pleased to support Ecole communautaire fondamentale primaire, because by supporting them we know that we are supporting children living in poverty especially those who are being exploited socially.
A Great Thank you to all Our Supporters for the year of 2013
B.F. Staff January, 2014
We want to show our gratitude to those who have helped us throughout the year of 2013. What we have accomplished so far would not be possible if we didn’t have anyone who value our works and choose to put their trust in us. We also want to thank the Humanitarian department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints (Mormon), World Health organization, Feed the Children, Clean the World’s organization, and the Buckner Foundation International for their tremendous support throughout the year.
Our wish for this coming year is to maintain the great relationship we have with our supporters while expanding the base to get more supporters both financially and professionally, in order to be able to help more underprivileged children and families who desperately need our assistance. Our goal for this coming year is to touch as many underprivileged families and children's lives in the country positively, because the world has enough good people and resources to make poverty becomes history. However, how to make sure the materials and resources provided for the poor go directly to them is the greatest challenge in fighting poverty.
School Distribution Kits by Brice Foundation
B.F. December, 2013
Brice Foundation has distributed school supply for the month of October, 2013 in multiple schools in the metropolitan area; some of them are the school of Bon Berger and Ecole Communautaire Fondmentale Primaire. Those schools are located in the Petion-ville area and Bertin, Carrefour their owners have been a great blessing to many families in the area who lack financial means to afford their children’s education. This was our way to show our support to the owners of those schools and the communities they are serving, especially the youth in the area that’s being blessed by this act of compassion. The owner and staff of School Bon Berger and Ecole Communautaire Fondmentale Primaire are great examples many other people who have the will to help should follow. They clearly show that teaching innocent children how to read is more important than making profit off of their vulnerable situation.
For this coming year, Brice Foundation will continue to assist those schools and many other schools that show the same compassion toward children, because our mission is to provide education in the regions where it’s inaccessible due to financial issue, and support education where it’s already been implemented. As we always said “Better Haiti starts with quality and affordable education for everyone, especially the poor.”
Our Thanks and Gratitude to the Mayor of Kenscoff and her Team
Brice Foundation Team, September, 2013
A great thanks to the mayor of Kenscoff and her staff for their support and assistance in establishing Brice Foundation in Haiti. Kenscoff is very well-known for its good fruits and vegetables. In fact, it's remains a good refference for the Hiatian agricultural system. Farming is the main activity in the region. Kenscoff is also well-known for its splendid beauty and its cool temperature. This town is located in west part of Haiti, it is a mountainous area some 10 kilometres to the southeast of the capital Port-au-Prince.
The altitude is approximately 1500 meters. Because of its altitude, the temperature is on average cooler than the capital and during winter months it can become quite cold; cold enough to wear a sweater or a jacket. It has a population of around 40,000 to 50,000 according to the last census report dated 2003. Just like any other place in Haiti, school is very expensive, as a result many children are left behind. Brice Foundation is working diligently to build school in the region sometimes in 2014 if we find adequate support from the local leaders in the region.
Our Thanks Gratitude to the Mayor of Mole Saint Nicolas and his Team
Brice Foundation Team, January 2014
Brice Foundation is pleased to show its gratitude to the Mayor of Môle-Saint-Nicolas and his staff members for their outstanding work in the region, also for supporting us. Mole Saint Nicolas is a town located on the north-western coast of Haiti. It is located near Baracoa Cuba and from Miami, travel to Mole Saint-Nicolas has become quite easy. It is the chief town of the Môle-Saint-Nicolas Arrondissement in the North-west department. It was first discovered by Christopher Columbus on December 6, 1492. The town received its present name after France gained control of the western part of the island back in 1697. The population of Môle-Saint-Nicolas is estimated at 4,000 t0 5,000 without counting population located in the neighborhood cities. The main activity of those living in the city of Mole Saint Nicolas are fishing, farming, and charcoal.
This city is equipped with many forts built in the revolution’s era. Some of them are Batteries de Vallières, Fort Georges, Saint-Charles, La Poudrière, Le Fort Allemand, Les Ramparts, etc.
To show our commitment to the city leaders and those in the region, very soon we will built a school that can serve the youth in the region.
Our Thanks and Gratitude to the City Leaders Of Jean-Rabel
Brice Foundation Staff, January 2014
Brice Foundation staff is saying a great thank you to the Mayor of Jean-Rabel and his staff for their great support to our organization that soon will built its first school in this city in order to help the young to get quality education without breaking the bank. For those who don’t know Jean-Rabel, this is a city located not very far from Port-de-Paix in the west side and close to a city known as Mole Saint Nicolas. The city of Jean-Rabel is part of Mole Saint Nicolas Arrondissement, which is located in the north west of Haiti. This city is very beautiful and has a very rich history. It is also a great place for business and the tourism industry.
The city of Jean-Rabel's is divided into seven sections and the town
1. La Coma
2. Guinaudee
3. Vielle Hatte
4. La Montagne
5. Dessources
6. Grande Source
7. Diondion