The Issue of "Restavek" in Haiti
Did you know 2 out of every 10 children in Haiti are being Forced to Performed Domestic Work?
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Brice Foundation's Vision, Purpose, and Values
Message from Our President
Hello everyone and thank you for considering visiting Brice Foundation’s website. It was on September 1st of 2011, a little over a year after the earthquake that has caused over 300 thousand deaths and some considerable property damages that worth billions of dollars. A group of colleagues and I, after assessing the shameful situation in which the majority of the population was living in especially children, we have decided to create Brice Foundation International not only to help those in need in Haiti but also right here in the U.S. in our backyard. The truth is that in order to help others we don’t need to have plenty, we simply need to have the desire in our hearts. And, the more we share, the more we receive.
Brice Foundation Int'l is a non-profit organization that focuses its interests and resources on helping children, youths, adults, and families to have a better future both socially and professionally. Unlike other nonprofit organizations, Brice Foundation Int’l makes education its most powerful tool to fight poverty, because we believe that education opens doors to many opportunities. Many are those who live in poverty in our generation, whether here in American or across the world. In Haiti for instance, it is estimated that 8 out of 10 Haitians (80%) are living in absolute poverty. Unfortunately, children have always been the primary victims of such a social imbalance that makes a reputable name for itself around the globe.
In Haiti, unlike in the U.S. where it is mandatory for every school-aged child attends school, it is estimated 3 out of 5 school-age children would never go to school due to financial difficulty, 1 out of 10 children in Haiti is being affected by a modern slavery system known as “Restavek” and 12 to 15% children who are born in Haiti would never reach the age of five because of malnutrition and other types of diseases. Our mission is to provide social assistance to those in need and to advocate on their behalf here in the U.S. and across Haiti for a better social treatment where injustice, discrimination, and inequality are no longer part of our society. Brice Foundation’s mission is divided into three categories: Education, Social, and Professional.
We make education one of our top priorities, because here at Brice Foundation we believe the best way to get people out of poverty is by educating them and to help them acquire technical and life skills that can make them become self-sufficient and financially independent, regardless of their social, economic, or political background. As mentioned on our home page, we believe that a better future starts with quality and affordable education for everyone, and especially the empowerment of the poor. This means the poor must be given the chance to be involved and to participate in decisions that concern him/her.
Our support to the poor is delivered through socio-educative, cultural, and professional programs across the country through established institutions such as schools, churches, universities, and other organizations in the country that have similar agenda.
Our Values:
· Professionalism, Independence, Consistency, Responsibility, Respect, Commitment, Boldness, Honesty, and Integrity are what get us to who we are today and we plan to keep that same discipline and commitment for years to come.
Our Goals and Priorities:
· Assist the underprivileged ones in case of sickness, hunger, hopelessness and other tragedies that may affect their lives.
· Fund projects we deem to help those in need to have access to better care, better education and better nutrition. It is estimated that more than 130 million children die from malnutrition each year. In Haiti, about three third of our children are malnourished, which makes them become more vulnerable to certain illnesses.
· We work closely with other NGOs’, associations and other international institutions that already have their footprint and a legacy of helping in the country to make our dream comes true. This is our way of saying no to poverty and illiteracy.
So we welcome everyone who wishes to join us in building a better society where children and the youth are protected and their future is guaranteed.