If you don't learn how to Control your Anger, it will control you and eventually Consume you.
Although it's very unhealthy to do, the most common thing people do when they're hurt or angry is trying to hurt other people in return,...

The First Impression
You often hear the saying that "the first impression is always the last impression". This means a person's perception of you when he/she...

Guilt or guilty conscience is one of the most common negative or sad emotions that people experience almost every day. If not addressed...

"Before you point your finger at anyone, always make sure that you're decent enough to do so". And frankly, a good and decent person will...

Gender Identity, Gender Role, and Emotions
Gender identity is defined as someone’s personal conception of himself/herself, which in turn leads to the concept of gender role. In...

The Importance of Knowing and Understanding a Child's Cognitive Developmental Stages
Dealing with children takes a lot of work and sometimes, it can be emotionally and psychologically overwhelming for parents or...

The Biological Causes of Crimes and the Eugenics' Theory
What exactly triggers criminal behaviors? Is it genes, brain structures, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.? Studies show that people who...

Gender Appropriate/Inappropriate Behaviors
Commonly we all agree to this point that biological differences between male and females are resolute gender classifications through...

Sternberg Theory of Love and Expectations from Genders
The triangular of love theory, also known as "The Sternberg Theory of Love" is a theory that explains the topic of love related to an...

How Parents can help their Children Resist Gang Activities at School or in Their Neighborhoods
According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent, gangs are formed by a group of children, adolescents and young adults who...