The Issue of "Restavek" in Haiti
Did you know 2 out of every 10 children in Haiti are being Forced to Performed Domestic Work?
Learn more...
Up Coming Event Page.
Welcome to Brice Foundation’s upcoming event page. Here is where we post all of our upcoming event and activities in the U.S. and abroad if we have any. see below, the list of our events and activities, their dates, locations where they will be taking place, as well as how you can contribute or sponsor those events as an individual, as a company, or as an organization.

Support Children and Protect their Future
(Back to School Event)
08/05/2016 and 08/06/2016
Jacksonville, FL and Atlanta, GA, and Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Support our Children and Protect their Future is a program that we have implemented in the communities where we serve in order to help children to go to school or to stay in school, by assisting them with the types of social or financial support needed in order to succeed. Learn more…

Back to School Event
(Back to School Event)
08/05/2016 and 08/06/2016
Jacksonville, FL and Atlanta, GA, and Port-au-Prince, Haiti
The Back to School event is an extension of an already implemented program known as Support our Children and Protect their Future” by Brice Foundation in the communities where we serve since September, 2011. Through this program (back to school), we assist school-aged children with back packs, cloths, shoes, pens and pencils, books and notebooks, and other school accessories that are indispensables.

Framing Future Leaders
Jacksonville, Florida and Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Framing Future Leaders is a continuing program of Support our Children and Protect their Future. The only difference is that we only help adults and young adults to succeed in life through this program, by training them professionally. Learn more…

Empowering the Poor
Jacksonville, Florida and Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Health fair/Health Drive
04/11/2015 and 07/15/2015
Jacksonville, Florida and Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
During the health fair event, we distribute hygiene kits to every participants. Based on availability, they can also get tested and receive medical assistance if needed.

Shoe and Cloths Drive
From: 07/01/2016 til 09/15/2016
Jacksonville, Florida and Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Through this event we collect shoes and clothes for children from 0 to 17 years of age, in the communities where we are working. We collect those items through local churches and certain local businesses that partnered with us.

Empowering Women
Jacksonville, Florida and Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
For us here at Brice Foundation, empowering women means; teach them how to become financially independent and socially active, especially in developing countries. We teach and also help them gain access to all types of resources available to them that can help them get out of poverty and to become financially independent, such; lands, the credits system, etc.

Christmas For the Poor Program
From 12/21/2016 to 12/24/ 2016
Jacksonville, FL, Atlanta, GA, and Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Christmas for the Poor is a program strictly designed for underprivileged children and their families. Every Christmas holiday we distribute gifts, food, and cloths to those them here in the U.S. and in Haiti, in order to make them feel that Christmas is a holiday season for them also.